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Buy TRS (All Toxin - Heavy Metal - Removal System)

Buy TRS (All Toxin - Heavy Metal - Removal System)


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Why do i have such a long title for this product?

Nothing i can say can do this product justice, it is and should be the first step on the road to Health for everyone!!!

Heavy metals are prevalent in today's world much more than ever before, they are present in food, drink and vaccines and other medications even the air and soil. Getting healthy means


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The first thing that happens in everyone's life (who is part of society) is that we are all loaded with immune suppressing adjuncts like Mercury, Aluminium and Lead for the first few years of life.

So naturally the first thing we need to do to get healthy is take out the heaviest elements first, that cause the heaviest dis'ease and negative emotional loops an habits. Heavy metals being at the front line of 80% of Chronic disease.

Think of heavy metals are circuit breakers and disruptors! they cross neurons and get lodged in the heaviest emotional loops and habits locking us onto these destructive patterns, they suppress the immune system and they encourage the growth of parasites, hence the appearance of parasites in people with Autism

I'm more than thrilled to be able to offer this product as part of a healthy lifestyle and supplement regime. Detox me now

What metals are detoxed?

Check here ... *Selenium and Magnesium will need to be supplemented or topped up 

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